The journey to National Board Certification is a rigorous and unique experience for each candidate. However, sustained support for candidates who are going through the certification process can truly enhance the experience. One of the primary goals of NBCNY is to develop NBC cohort throughout the state’s seven regions to provide support structures for teachers to pursue and successfully complete the NBC process. To accomplish this, a regional cohort or support group can be formed so that teachers are not working in isolation, but rather with colleagues to accomplish a shared goal. Teachers have spoken highly of the importance of collegial support from pre-candidacy through achievement of certification by giving and receiving constructive feedback. To find an NBC cohort near you, please see Regions Webpages.
Starting the Certification Process
The National Board’s work is guided by five core propositions that articulate what teachers should know and be able to do. These ideals guide the development of the National Board’s standards and assessment. Using these core propositions as a foundation, NBPTS standards further detail what constitutes accomplished teaching in 25 certificate areas and for students at all stages of their development. The influence of the NBPTS standards is pervasive throughout the NBC process. They form the basis for the performance-based assessments that are at the heart of the NBC system. They also drive the structure of the assessment exercises as well as the scoring rubrics. Visit National Board’s Candidate Resources page for information on standards, scoring and portfolio guidelines.
Important Resources and Links (Updated 2024)
Awareness Video Presentation 1 hr
Time Line for Candidates in NY
Power Point Awareness Presentation NBC in NY
Step by Step Applying for NBC in NY
Getting Ready and Organizing Materials
Current Workshops and Cohorts for NBC:
National Board Council of New York an affiliate network of the NBPTS for supports and workshops across NY GET SUPPORT!
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
1-800-22-TEACH (1-800-228-3224)
Funding: NYSED Albert Shanker Grant available NOW through February 7th, 2025
Application for NYS Albert Shanker Grant Program Application.
Graduate Credit
Candidates may apply for 3 graduate credits for each component, through a partnership with NYSUT's ELT, Empire State College. Ask your facilitator about this opportunity.
Writing Institutes for NBC Candidates
Candidates benefit from extended, focused time to concentrate on National Board work. Many cohorts provide time in the summer to begin group work and time in the winter to work on writing portfolio entries. Visit our Workshops and Events page for a current listing of institutes around NYS. Winter Writing Institutes are sponsored by New York State United Teachers and provided through a collaboration with NYSUT, NYS Teacher Centers and NBCNY.
Assessment Center
Candidates can take the Component 1 Assessment Center exercises at any time during their assessment window (April to June 15th). It is important to prepare for this portion of the process as it is worth 40 percent of your score. NBC candidates and advanced candidates can benefit from collaborating with each other and discussing resources, standards and assessment framework topics. Candidates may want to work with teachers of similar certification areas to unpack and scoring rubrics, constructed response exercise descriptions, selected response items, resources and curriculum information. The Assessment Center Guide and on-line tutorial are extremely beneficial.
It is also important to understand the NBPTS Code of Ethics, found in the Guide to National Board Certification pg 23, as you collaborate or support other candidates. Never discuss the assessment prompts after you have taken it.
National Board Certification submissions are scored against the National Board Standards. NBPTS encourages candidates to be mindful of the scoring rubrics that the process assessors will follow when writing your reflective papers. Each certificate area is scored against its own set of standards, so be sure to check out the scoring process in your specific area. Each Component Directions has a Scoring Rubric.
Advanced Candidates
Retake or advanced candidates are teachers who continue with the process beyond the first scoring cycle. Teachers are strongly encouraged to reapply to National Board and continue the NBC process. Portfolio entries for advanced candidates are due on May 16 and assessment center exercises must be completed by June 15. Advanced candidates often offer valuable recommendations and insights to new candidates as they continue their work in supportive collegial circles. There is currently no state funding available for retaking components.
If you received the Shanker grant remember to follow up on reimbursement for the $475 paid for the first component by going to once all 4 of your components are completed. (Achievement is not required).
Find a Regional Coordinator in your area to connect with a NBC Cohort and supports.