Eastern Upstate Region
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The Eastern Upstate Region encompasses 23 counties. Our goals are to triple the number of teachers pursuing the new National Board Certification process and to double the number of NBCTs in formal teacher leader roles. We collaborate with NYSUT, NYSED, Teacher Centers, BOCES, and districts to continue to spread the benefits of National Board Certification. We offer many cohort groups facilitated by trained Professional Learning Facilitators. If anyone is still interested, we invite new candidates to contact us.
Regional Coordinators:
Regina Anderson, NBCT
Annette Romano, NBCT
Co-Regional Coordinators
Regina Anderson achieved National Board Certification in Literacy:Reading-Language Arts in 2013. She brings over 27 years of teaching and instructional coaching experience to the NBCNY team. She currently teaches reading for grades 3-5 and provides district professional development and coaching K-12 at Cobleskill-Richmondville Central School in Cobleskill, NY. Born and raised in Upstate New York. She received her Elementary, Special Education and Literacy degrees from The College of Saint Rose and Sage Colleges. Regina facilitates cohort groups, writing institutes, Jump Start academies and teachers seeking National Board certification. Regina is passionate about ensuring that teachers are supported through coaching, reflection and collaboration.
Annette Romano is the Co-Chair of NBNY and Co-Regional Coordinator of Eastern Upstate. She collaborates with Teacher Centers, school districts, higher education, New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), and the State Education Department to increase awareness about National Board Certification, provide candidate support, and promote NBC as part of the teacher-leader continuum. She recently retired from the the Niskayuna CSD, where she has taught for over 30 years. Annette continues to be a professional development specialist in Nisky and the NBCNY. She became a Nationally Board Certified Teacher in 2001 and established NBCNY in 2007. She has expertise in National Board Certification, NYSED Student Standards, Teacher Leadership, edTPA, and Teacher Evaluation. In 2010, she received the Bertha Brimmer Medal from the University at Albany Alumni Association and in 2013, she receive an Excellence in Education Award from NYSUT. Annette has served as a member of the NYSED PSPB, NBPTS Faculty, Teacher Leader Network, and continues as a board member of Nick's Fight to be Healed supporting families affected by pediatric cancer and University at Albany School of Education's Dean's Leadership Council.
Support Near You!
Name of Cohort NBCT Facilitator Email TC/IHE/BOCES/District
Amanda Zullo zulloamanda@gmail.com
Albany CSD Cohort Jessica Short jshort@albany.k12.ny.us Albany CSD
Catskill Regional NBC Cohort Regina Anderson andersonr.crcs23@gmail.com Catskill Regional TC
Central NY Maria Fenton fentonmaria55@gmail.com OCM BOCES
Trish Barboni tbarboni@solvayschools.org
Clarkson NBC Cohort Becky Remis rremis@clarkson.edu Clarkson University -Schdy
Greater Capital Region TC Geoff Bizan geoff@teachers-center.org Greater Capital Region TC
Liz Daley liz@teachers-center.org
Niskayuna CSD NBC Cohort Annette Romano aromano@nbcny.org Niskayuna CSD
Schenectady CSD NBC Cohort Michael Sheridan sheridanmi@schenectadyschools.org Schenectady TC
Stillwater CSD NBC Cohort Liz Retell lizretell@scsd.org Stillwater CSD
Syracuse CSD Teacher Center Kathleen Kurgan kkurga51@scsd.us Syracuse TC
Laurie Holtsbery LHoltsbery@scsd.us
Teresa Saurota sauro@yahoo.com
West Genesee NBC Cohort Kimberly Smith knsmith@westgenesee.org West Genesee/ Syracuse U. Teaching Center
Check with facilitators to see if they provide graduate credit as part of a collaboration w/ NYSUT's ELT/Empire State College.