NYSED Albert Shanker Grant
The Albert Shanker grant was established to defray the costs of National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)* certification to eligible New York State public school teachers. The New York State Education Department through the Albert Shanker Grant makes funding available to support eligible New York State public school teachers seeking their first National Board Certification.
The NYSED Albert Shanker grant application opens in July. It supports eligible educators with the NBPTS Application fees.
NOTE (as indicated on the web site):
Funding is limited, and allocated on a first come, first served basis, to eligible candidates.
Applications will continue to be accepted through February 28th, or until all funds are exhausted, whichever is first.
National Board Certification is composed of four components. All components must be attempted within a three year period.
Candidates for the Albert Shanker Grant must:
First complete the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certification Registration online at
Note: During the NBPTS registration process, under the "Agreements" tab (Step 4), you must elect to have your name released to third-party agencies that may provide incentives;
Pay the annual NBPTS registration fee and register and pay for their first component.
If a candidate is found eligible for and awarded the Albert Shanker Grant, the New York State Education Department will fund the cost of the remaining three components to National Board. After a candidate completes the National Board process, the candidate will be reimbursed for the cost of their first component provided that the candidate did not receive any form of reimbursement for their first component from any source.
Eligibility for the Albert Shanker Grant
To be eligible for the Albert Shanker Grant, candidates MUST:
be employed as a full-time teacher in a NYS public school;
hold a valid New York State teaching certificate;
hold tenure in his/her current position;
commit to and actually complete the entirety of the initial NBPTS candidacy effort;
and continue to be employed as a full-time teacher in a New York public school for at least one full school year following completion of the initial grant period;
apply for NBPTS certification and pay for the first component;
apply for the Albert Shanker Grant.
Albert Shanker Grant Application Process
The New York State Education Department is now accepting applications for Albert Shanker Grant program and will continue to accept applications through February 28th, or until all funds are exhausted, whichever is first.
After becoming a candidate with NBPTS, and paying for 1 component, educators may apply for the Albert Shanker Grant by completing and submitting the online application
After submitting the application, candidates must send verification that they have paid the $75 NBPTS registration fee and $475 for their first component to the Office of Teaching Initiatives. Please email verification to:
If a candidate is found eligible for and awarded the Albert Shanker Grant, the New York State Education Department will fund the cost of the remaining three components to National Board.
Note: Funding is limited, and allocated on a first come, first served basis, to eligible candidates.
If a candidate is found eligible for an award, they will be notified.
If a candidate is awarded an Albert Shanker Grant and withdraws from NBPTS process, he/she will not be eligible for a subsequent grant.
District Reimbursement
Since the 2015-2016 National Board cycle, districts became eligible to receive up to $500 per candidate that has completed the National Board process. The teacher can elect to take up to three years to complete all four components the first time. When they have completed the National Board process, whether they certify or not; the district is eligible to submit for reimbursement for up to $500 (per candidate) to cover costs to support that teacher in their pursuit of National Board. Such costs could include: substitute teacher for release days, writing institutes, providing in district candidate support with a Professional Learning Facilitator (PLF), etc. The District Reimbursement Application is between May and June on the NYSED Shanker Grant Page.
Email all questions to