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RISE: Recognizing,Inspiring,and Strengthening Educators



The National Board Council of NY Network unites educators, elevates the profession, encourages educators to adapt and thrive, and transforms cultures to improve student learning in an ever-changing global society.


Through impactful professional learning, board certification, and collaboration, the National Board Council of NY Network develops and strengthens instructional practice and supports teachers by leveraging Board Certification resources which represent the gold standard for accomplished teaching. 

  • Provide awareness and establish equitable support structures for teachers and school districts to pursue and successfully complete the National Board Certification process.

  • Contribute to the knowledge base of teaching and provide services to the teaching profession.

  • Increase the number of teachers that pursue National Board Certification in New York State.

  • Train and network professional learning facilitators across New York State.

  • Develop NBC support programs within each of the regions

  • Create collaborative models in which all NBC stakeholders can support and celebrate each other.

  • Facilitate the utilization of NBCTs as teacher leaders in schools, districts and institutions of higher education in an effort to improve student learning.

  • Provide a forum for teacher leadership training, discussion and opportunity.

  • To date, we have supported more than 2,100 teachers in New York State in achieving board certification.

  • We have over 55 NBC cohorts within BOCES, NYS teacher centers, districts and institutions of higher education in New York State.

  • We have trained over 400 facilitators.

  • We have secured over 1 million dollars in grant funding to support teachers in New York State over the past five years.

  • Each year, we hold awareness sessions in our 7 regions with approximately 300 participants attending these sessions.

  • We have provided support to high needs school districts across the state including Albany, Amsterdam, Buffalo, Cortland, Kingston,  New York City, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Schenectady, Syracuse, Troy, Westbury, Watervliet and Yonkers.


Our NBCNY Logo

Special thanks for our logo which was developed by Grace Barrett, an NBCT and artist from Commack CSD, and with input from our NBCNY Regional Coordinators: 

  • The torch of NYS's Statue of Liberty inspires educators across our state

  • The flame is our hope to pass this professional journey on to our colleagues.

  • NBCNY  National Board Council of New York

  • two gold circles with arcs -2 educators collaborating 

  • 5 green leaves-olive leaves symbolizing the NBPTS Core Propositions which guide our work with teachers and students

  • Gold color:  NBCT is the gold standard of the teaching profession

  • Blue color symbolized inspiration or wisdom

National Board Council of New York   PO Box 2431  Malta, NY 12020

NBCNY is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
ll monetary donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by tax laws.

© 2023 National Board Council of New York

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