Once you've achieved national certification it doesn’t mean your journey is over. There are a number of ways you can continue your journey, including:
Recruiting other candidates, being a mentor or providing professional development.
Growing the NBCNY network by creating an active NBC Cohort in your region.
Renewing your certification.
Teaching at the graduate level ).
Collaborating with institutions of higher education to incorporate the work of NBPTS in pre-service and promoting teacher leadership.
Staying active on the NBPTS NBCT webpage or NBCNY FB page
Continuing your learning in teacher leadership
Applying for New York State Teacher of the Year (a program that recognizes and celebrates outstanding teachers throughout New York State. Great opportunity and prizes).
Being a voice in your union.
Writing for a professional journal (See NYSUTs Educator's Voice).
Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
National Board has revised its policy from renewal to Maintenance of Certification (MOC) beginning in the 2020-21 cycle. This will require Board-certified teachers to demonstrate their knowledge and skills every five years in order to keep their certificate current. This change will take effect for candidates who certify in 2017 and later. Here is a MOC PowerPoint Presentation that explains MOC. MOC Directions will be posted in September 2020. Visit the National Board website to see how this transition will affect how you extend your certificate. Download and share a NBPTS MOC Flier with your administrator. Cost is $495 plus the annual $75 registration fee. NBCTs are not eligible for the NYSED Shanker Grant. NBCNY does not currently have funding to support NBCTs' MOC application fees. Check you local association contract for supports which may be available.